How to treat osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is a condition characterized by destruction of joint cartilage leading to pain and loss of mobility. Cartilage does not have nerve endings and is therefore not sensitive. In addition, the tissues surrounding the cartilage, such as tendons and ligaments, can become inflamed. As cartilage deterioration progresses, movement becomes more difficult and the tendons and ligaments are put under increased strain, causing them to become overworked and joint inflammation increases.
Apart from heredity which plays an important role, osteoarthritis results from an overload of acid waste leading to the formation of crystals which lodge in the tissues and joints.
In terms of diet, we will recommend a rather alkalinizing diet, in order to correct this acid-base imbalance. This will involve a diet rich in minerals found in fruits and vegetables. It will be necessary to reduce red meat to 25% of the plate and opt for oily fish (rich in omega 3) and whole grains. All in all, an anti-inflammatory and alkalinizing diet can help correct the situation.
It is also important to drink enough spring water (35ml per kilo of weight) to help the kidneys drain acids. A nettle and horsetail herbal tea will increase the intake of alkalizing minerals. Adding chlorophyll to spring water is also excellent.
Moderate physical exercise is also suggested, as a sedentary lifestyle hinders the irrigation and nutrition of cartilage. Walking remains the best exercise, but also yoga, swimming and cycling.
Managing your stress is important because stress is very acidifying. Taking long, deep breaths, meditating, singing, these are activities that will help you.
In terms of supplements, a product containing NEM, boswellia and bromelain can help reduce the discomfort of osteoarthritis and slow its progression. A silica solution is also excellent for boosting collagen. Also, turmeric is a very powerful anti-inflammatory.
Finally, massaging your joints with a mixture of vegetable oil and wintergreen essential oil will reduce inflammation and pain locally.
Consulting a naturopath will help you apply the important elements to restore the vitality of your joints.