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Nourriture naturopathie montréal anjou

'Let food be thy medicine'

Lise Lefebvre Naturopath ND.A in Montreal (Anjou district)

Take care of your well-being with a global and personalized approach

Naturopathy is much more than just a method of care: it is a gentle, natural and effective approach that places each individual at the center of their own balance. By considering all aspects of the person, it acts upstream to identify and treat the root causes of discomfort, while promoting the maintenance of the body's natural balance, or homeostasis. It is part of a preventive approach aimed at sustainably preserving your health and vitality.

If you're still looking for that person who will change your life, look in the mirror.

These inspiring words from Roman Price perfectly capture the essence of naturopathic counseling: revealing your inner power to transform your life and find harmony.

Lise Lefebvre naturopath:
an expert at the service of your well-being

Based in Montreal, in the Anjou district, Lise Lefebvre, naturopath ND.A , puts her expertise and passion at the service of your health.

With her strong role as chair of the board of directors of the École d'enseignement supérieur de naturopathie du Québec (ÉESNQ) and member of the audition jury for graduating interns at the ÉESNQ school clinic, Lise is recognized for her expertise and her personalized approach.

She is also a member of ANAQ, an association guaranteeing high-level scientific training and practices.

Lise Lefebvre Naturopath nd.a montreal
Nutritional cooking

A natural and diversified therapeutic approach

Lise Lefebvre naturopath offers a variety of therapeutic tools adapted to each person's needs, including:

  • Aromatherapy , to benefit from the benefits of essential oils;

  • Gemmotherapy , using the power of plant buds;

  • Herbalism , with herbal teas and mother tinctures;

  • Vitamins and minerals, essential for restoring nutritional balance;

  • Bach flowers , floral elixirs to harmonize emotions.

These natural approaches are integrated into tailor-made programs, aimed at helping you achieve a healthier lifestyle and health overflowing with vitality.

Specialties tailored to your needs

Lise Lefebvre, naturopath, specializes in supporting various issues, including:

  • Joint problems (osteoarthritis, etc.);

  • Nutrition and chronic diseases ;

  • Weight loss and dietary rebalancing ;

  • Digestive disorders (irritable bowel syndrome, gastric reflux, bloating);

  • Skin problems (eczema, psoriasis, acne);

  • Stress, fatigue, exhaustion ;

  • Hormonal disorders (menopause, PMS).

Assessment tools for personalized monitoring

To refine (her diagnosis and) please eliminate what is in parentheses in her approach, Lise uses reliable tools, such as:

  • Koënisburg test (stress states);

  • Sulkowitch (acid-base balance);

  • Bioimpedance (body composition);

  • Iridology (reading the iris);

  • Zinc tally and Chemstrip (targeted analyses).

Contact Lise Lefebvre naturopath today!

Whether you want to relieve discomfort, improve your quality of life or optimize your health, Lise Lefebvre is here to guide you with kindness and expertise. Thanks to her personalized approach and natural tools, she accompanies you step by step on the path to well-being.

Contact Lise Lefebvre today for a consultation in his office in the Anjou district of Montreal and begin a comprehensive and preventive health approach. Your well-being deserves personalized attention!

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