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Lise Lefebvre's Blog

Are you crystals, glues or both?

In naturopathy, we distinguish two main sources of metabolic toxins, namely the waste produced by the metabolism of food: 1. crystals which come from the metabolism of proteins, white sugar and acidifying foods and 2. glues which come from the metabolism of starches and fats.

The organs responsible for eliminating these wastes are, for crystals: the kidneys and sweat glands, and for glues: the liver, gallbladder, intestines, sebaceous glands and respiratory tract.

When these elimination organs are overloaded due to poor diet (too much sugar, too much meat, too much fat, too much volume), they cannot cope with the task. Fortunately, the body in its great wisdom uses emergency exits or storage areas to help it. For example, if the liver is overloaded with starch and fat after eating a large piece of birthday cake, the colloidal waste that the liver cannot manage will be sent to the skin (acne) or the lungs (catarrh).

Here's how to tell if you're a crystal or a glue person:

Emergency elimination of crystals: Skin: dry eczema, itching, dermatoses; Mucous membranes: inflammations such as conjunctivitis, cystitis, vaginitis; Joints: arthritis, rheumatism; Nerves: neuritis, shingles, sciatica, insomnia, spasms; Tissues: kidney stones.

Emergency elimination of glues: Skin: acne, boils, oozing dermatoses; Lungs/ENT: colds, bronchitis, catarrhal sinusitis; Vaginal tract: leukorrhea (white discharge); Tissues: lipomas, cysts, fibroids.

But be careful, we cannot overuse these exit doors for long periods, for fear of creating lesions (diabetes, cirrhosis), deprogramming our cells (autoimmune diseases), or even mutating them (cancer).

If any of these emergency exits are causing you concern, it would be appropriate to dry up the food source in question. Thus, in the event of an arthritis problem, it would be ideal to reduce meat to 1 or 2 times a week, avoid sugars, and acidifying foods (citrus fruits, dairy products, coffee).

The ideal plate is half vegetables, a quarter protein and the other quarter cereal. Add to your diet good oils (olive, sunflower, flax), sprouts and love for yourself and you will not only ensure that you do not get these conditions, but you will give your cells the elements they need to function properly.

Remember that stress, worries and fears disrupt the metabolism and cause wastes that can accumulate in the body, even when the diet is adequate. Why not return to our old ways and thank life before each meal. This provides a time out. It is a way to put aside our worries and stabilize our nervous system for better assimilation.


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